
Range Rover Fifty

A model called "Fifty" was released to commemorate the 50th anniversary. Limited to 1970 units, in addition to the standard four colors (grey, black, red, champagne), it seems that a very small number of three historical colors (Tuscan Blue, Bahama Gold, Davos White) will be manufactured. .. The wheelbase can also be long.

2021-land-rover-range-rover-fifty-3Blue Tuscan (H eri Tage Colour)

Screenshot 2020-06-18 0.20.31Gold Bahama (H eri Tage Colour)

Screenshot 2020-06-18 0.29.35White Davos (H eri Tage Colour)

Screenshot 2020-06-18 0.20.10Carpathian Gray (standard)

Screenshot 2020-06-18 0.38.3122-inch wheel

Screenshot 2020-06-18 0.38.50

Screenshot 2020-06-18 0.39.13
