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Although ’Higekatsu’ near Hanazonocho station is Osaka’s No.1 kushiage (deep-fried skewer) restaurant, this is Osaka’s Michelin star-awarded restaurant ‘Rokukakutai’, near the Kuromonichiba food market.
First of all, Rye bread with several kinds of sauces and salts along with deep-fried skewers come out. Alongs with vegetables. Though another helping is free, it would be a shame to fill up on here alone.
20 kinds of deep fried skewers are prepared but it is possible to stop midway through: I can’t eat 20 things deep fried.
Each skewer that comes out is more and more elaborate than the last. Deep-fried Sea bream head is crunchy and enjoyable. I gave up after 13 courses and was ready to quit around 11 but since the sea bream was there, I kept going. Though already impossible, the deep fried food and even more bread kept coming … i just couldn't help myself (laugh) Desserts were also delicious.
Once in a while, food really can be this good.
