
Chinese restaurant in Kyoto that achieves an evolution much like Kyoto itself.
Visiting this time, Hōmairō has inherited the flavour of the well-established Kyoto Chinese restaurant ‘Hōmai’ which has now closed down.
Shūmai comes filled with chestnut. Its firmness is also really enjoyable.
A simply main dish of bamboo spring rolls is delicious, but the sweet and sour pork deserves a special mention. The clear red bean paste is already unusual, but with other ingredients being fried pork cucumber, pineapple and lychee, it is either sophisticated or a mutation.
Since the chicken with chilli is quite hot it needs to be eaten carefully. Yaki-soba, which seems was a speciality of ‘Hōmai’, comes with mustard dissolved in vinegar.
There is a theory that the gentleman’s agreement to eat here before going out for the evening. In any event, this Kyoto-style ‘Chinese’ is definitely worthy of some serious investigation!
- Keywords:
- Restaurants