
Aoyama Gakuin University Student Dining Hall in Building 17

As I had errands in and around Omotesando, lunch was nearby and because the University was on spring break I went to my ‘alma mater’ cafeteria for the first time in ages.
And it seems the school’s new semester has begun in earnest (maybe they were invited after the entrance ceremony, or enrolling?) with the cafeteria’s full-house a big success.
And the cafeteria has become much bigger.
In our time, although it was only in the basement of building 7, it is also surprisingly enough on the ground floor (1st floor in Japan) of the new building. While the original underground cafeteria is still in good health, the menu is divide across the two locations. But I don’t need to worry about going to both.
Since I like having the so-called set-meal ‘Omotesando’ platter (back in our day, it was simply called ‘Service lunch’) I chose the cafeteria in Building 17. However there is a new set-menu named ‘Chef’s Whim’. Interesting.
Rice with stewed hamburger and fried shrimp, along with soft boiled egg and miso soup costs ¥500. Even in our day the price was also roughly ¥400 so hasn’t increased that much in almost nearly 30 years. That’s amazing.
Aoyama Gakuin University Student Dining Hall is open to the general public. You often find foreigners there as well.
