
Nijiro Murakami's debut book "Niji no Koku" is now available: a concept book compiled from photos, poetry, and flash fiction produced by various performers


Actor Nijiro Murakami's first book "Rainbow Time" has been published.

This book, which is a book version of the magazine Figaro Japon and the web serialization "Rainbow Time", is a prose and short story written by the performer Nijiro Murakami, the film director and photographer Tomokazu Hito, and the writers and artists. A concept book consisting of shorts. The authors include Naoki Hiyoshi, Maha Hara, and Tomonori Nakamura, as well as a variety of people such as Ellie (Chim ↑ Pom), King Gnu, and Chitoyo Orai. In making the book, the other cuts that were not seen in the serialization are included in a large volume to contain a more concentrated world view, and various talents are not only seen and read, but also immersed in the book.


Tomokazu, who created the book together, said, "I was able to create a completely new book together with the actor, Nijiro Murakami, who is a famous writer. This is a photo book. It's a collection of poems, and sometimes it's a movie. "

■ "Rainbow Time"
Released on December 24, 2020
Published by CCC Media House
¥ 2,800 + tax


Japanese Authors