
Restaurant Tim Raue

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Since the store was one of the 50 Best Restaurants in Berlin and was advised I should go try it by a certain someone, when I saw the site I booked online and went.
Starting with a buta-kimchi style hors d'oeuvre, it’s a dish always brought out in Japan and Asia as Korean and Chinese.
Everything is delicious, but undoubtedly German in style. To sum up, it’s a strong taste, thick enough that you‘ll want soup or rice towards the end.
Things like steamed fish are served in steaming baskets and brought out on dry ice, which I guess makes them feel like they’re eating something Asian. There was also a women who tried really hard to eat with chopsticks throughout.
It was an interesting experience in Germany.

Restaurant Tim Raue
Rudi-Dutschke-Straße 26, 10969 Berlin
