
Marudorimotoya Ueno

Although Takkanmari is a ‘nabe’ (hot pot) place, the things you add at the very end like curry udon are delicious, so tried to visit.
Another menu on display had Fukuoka-style tempura but they’re not serving today. I really fancied some tempura, something from ‘Daruma’ and ‘Hirai’ would have been perfect.
So, I start with the salad and fried chicken wings instead, and the chicken wings are surprisingly delicious. I keep drinking beer.
Shortly after, ‘nabe’ arrives, with ‘Yuzusuco’ (Japanese citrus Tabasco sauce) and chicken eaten in a sauce made from mustard, vinegar and rock salt all mixed together. ‘Yuzusuco’ is definitely the best. Adding salt to small ‘tonsui’ dish as it is is something special.

Then, the eagerly awaited curry udon.
It was nothing special (laugh). Delicious but I think I expected too much.​ ​
By the way, Takkanmari’s soup by itself is so delicious you’re bound to finish if you keep eating. So, for an addition ¥500 you can ask for a refill. However you can get the same refill for ¥400 if you order a topping of wonton. I’ll pay either way, but this is quite a good deal.
For three large men eating and drink a lot, one person is a little bit over ¥5,000. As it’s all-you-can-eat, reserving the ¥5000 course reservations are limited, it’s about the same as drinking whatever you like from the menu. Cheap and good!
