
Row house in Sumiyoshi

It goes without saying that “Sumiyoshi Nagaya” is a famous building designed by Tadao Ando. It has been used several times in magazine shoots, but for some reason I remember not mentioning rebuilding at all. A little strange.

The original is a historically valuable work, and it's a space that everyone wants to experience inside at least once, so I think this rebuild is worth it, but there are various circumstances that haven't made a big announcement. It may be.

Here is the original. 1976.

screenshot 2023-08-03 15.12.54


そしてこちらがリビルド。興味がある方は調べてみてください。ご本人が設計監修をして 素材も出来うる限り同じものにしたとか。参考までにこんなVideo

スクリーンショット 2023-08-05 7.38.19



