
Kerze II

Kerze II has appeared in Christie's for the first time in a long time. In the past, it was about $ 50,000 to $ 60,000 at the highest, but nowadays it is about $ 150,000. It has become quite expensive,Edition of “Betty”Is over $ 500,000 for offset printing alone, so it may be reasonable considering that it contains black oil.

Cf :​ ​Christie’s

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Click here for the original 1982 canvas oil painting that was the basis of this edition. The candle is on the left and the black area on the right. By the way, this original was sold for $ 4 million at Sotheby's in 2002, 20 years ago. If it comes out now, $ 15-20 million will go at least.

15330Kerze(Candle), 1982, 90 x 95 cm: Oil on canvas

The Edition work "Kerze I" was shot, flipped left and right, and offset printed, with a large sign. The number of editions is 250, which is rather large. The candle is on the right side because it is inverted. It feels like you can still buy it for less than $ 40,000. This is an Edition made 6 years after the first canvas work was drawn.

5199Kerze I(Candle I), 1988 Edition: 250
Offset lithograph in colors, on offset paper, the full sheet. 89.4 x 94.6 cm


Then, there are two types of works with a black oil painting abstract on top of that image. Two types, with margins (Ed.50) and without margins (Ed.30). The person who appeared in the auction this time is Kerze II. The number of Kerze III with no margins is smaller, so it seems a little expensive in terms of market price. Even though these two are Edition works, the fact that they are painted in oil is a big attraction.


10975Kerze IICandle II),1989   Editions 50
Oil on offset print on paper, mounted on plastic, framed, 91 x 91 cm

5294Kerze IIICandle III), 1989Editions 30
Oil on offset print on paper, mounted on plastic, framed, 59 x 62 cm
