
The Sentence is Death

Received the mystery rankings from all over the world for the 2018 "Magpie Murders". The next year's "Main theme is murder" once again swept the rankings, and now Anthony Horowitz's new work, which can be said to be the world's number one hot seller in the mystery world. This time, Hawthorne, a former detective of "The main theme is murder," is the new work in the active series.

Former detective Hawthorne, who is investigating a esoteric case at the request of the police, is the writer Anthony Horowitz (= the character of the work, but the actual author of this work, and it has become a complete metafiction structure. I asked him to write the story in a book. This series in which these two people investigate the solution and lead it to a solution. Of course, there is a relationship between Sherlock Holmes and Watson, but the setting is the so-called whodunit classic mystery world view.

The mechanism is also vivid, but this metafiction structure in which the writer himself participates in the investigation as Watson is wonderful. Moreover, most of the settings that appear there (for example, the story of a drama that Horowitz really writes in the real world, the story of a new work being written, or the private setting of a family etc.) are the same as the actual facts. That is amazing. I don't think there has ever been a writer who created a work with such a composition. Even people who are not good at full-scale reasoning overseas can enjoy reading at the last minute, so if you are interested, please take this opportunity.


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