
Farewell, Berlin's sun

A song with such Japanese title.
holidays in the sun.

Pistols' album's first song.
The song I listened to as a junior high school student was very exciting.
Before that, anarchy in the uk and god save ,,, something went out, but I feel that the completeness of this song is amazing.
It is supposed to be a song written in Berlin who came as a vacation to escape from London after the Bill Grandy incident.
Until then I did not know much about the wall of Berlin, but I studied with this song.
Pistols is not the only one, but Western music was always my textbook.
The construction of the Berlin Wall, the collapse, the story around is very interesting. I still check nhk's documentary.

Screenshot 2018-07-01 14.03.15

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Screenshot 2018-07-01 14.02.34

Well, is this song a jam pak? It was a long time since I learned the theory that it is.
How is that? Well, they look alike. Although I do not know whether or not I was sorry, it is certain that it is finished in a great song.

Jam can be jam, but it is better quality rock 'n' roll than punk, too.
