
Takashi Murakami’s ‘The 500 Arhats’ exhibition

Takashi Murakami’s ‘The 500 Arhats’ exhibitionI finally got to see it.
As I was thinking that Takashi Murakami is the very expression of contemporary art I noticed the frequent mobile shutter sound in the background. It seems almost possible to photograph anywhere. There aren’t that many exhibitions overseas that prohibit you from taking photos. On the other hand, Japan prohibits without exception. Sometimes depending on which work it is, it seems possible to photograph anything marked as POP. So for this exhibition only, the camera shutter sound in Japan is also unusual, maybe the first time. Although possible, this consequence or by-product is greatly welcome.​ ​
I mean, they must change the rules themselves soon for camera shutter sound. A quiet restaurant for example has lots of rules regarding sound, even with sushi. Though there is a camera app that allow you to take photographs with a low shutter sound, the performance is often quite poor. It’s really annoying!
