
Kindle Oasis

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I’m checking instagram in the bath with my iPhone ‘Plus’ since the iPhone became waterproof (well, not really)
and reading magazines like ‘d magazine’ with it but always think it would be great it was roughly the same size as an iPad mini …
I would love the iPad to be waterproof, but wonder will the mini ever be updated again?

So,this​ ​has come out all of a sudden.
Now I can read in the bath. I used to read ‘Oishinbo’ everyday over and over again while soaking in the bath, with the risk of slipping under.
I am really happy about this as almost 80% of the books I buy now are Kindle (all manga).
To my surprise, because I don’t have the time to bury myself in a book properly the bath, for example, is perfect for this.
So I’ve ordered one right away. However, it looks like the 3G model I ordered with 32 GB and WiFi will arrive in December. It’s popular, I guess. I hope it comes early.
