
When going to the US in September, I tethered with the SIM-free Huawei P9 using a prepaid SIM card for travellers called ZIP SIM but didn’t need a wi-fi router as it was exceptionally convenient after all.
Rental wifi routers can be pre-ordered online (it’s best to order from an airline’s milage page) picked up at the airport (also easy to forget … ) and then promptly returned on return. Travel insurance can also be added to ensure it’s all okay even if damaged or lost during the trip. Well, it’s handy but also a hassle as more than anything else it’s another thing to carry.
So this time I turned to a prepaid travel SIM but as this is also throwaway to activate each time is also a bit of a hassle. This time I decided to give a domestic US prepaid card a go, with it charged monthly and only when used. As I’m always using the same SIM I still have all my numbers.
The T-Mobile SIM is easy to pick up on Amazon. I tried activating it in Japan beforehand online but both SIM and activation code didn’t match. It seems that the shop screwed-up and so returned it and bought a new one from somewhere else. This time the card activates without a hitch. It includes up to 50GB for unlimited calls and text messages with $50 a month.
Almost no problem at the first destination Portland. However, in the next San Francisco, although it will not be out of service depending on the location, the communication speed will be extremely slow. Hmmm, should it be AT & T?
That said, it worked fine in New York. Guess I need to keep an eye on it.
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