

On the Green Island of Taiwan, the restaurant ‘Chi-Tang-You-Yu’ serves a dish made from tuna and chilli, using ‘Rayu’, a Japanese chilli oil mixed with garlic, sesame and different ingredients. It feels close to ‘Tsukudani’ (small seafood or seaweed that’s been simmered in Soy sauce and Mirin—a rice wine)
It’s best friends with rice, and was lunch for this holiday. Side dishes were also available, but the main feature was the chilli tuna. On rice it went down a treat. With a mouth full, both spiciness and taste were well-rounded. I poured a generous amount of miso soup (Fujishou Inaka miso from Imabari) using ‘Japanese dashi‘ from Konbudoi, or Kayanoya dashi from Shobo-an. Perfection.
Since I always have a friend bring some back from Taiwan, it’s always to hand, but it is likely that I need to re-stock soon. Will try and remind them.
