
Mishima Yukio vs Tokyo University

Screenshot 2020-02-10 4.21.08 Screenshot 2020-02-10 4.20.52

The deluxe edition of "Mishima vs. Tokyo Daizen Kyoto" that was available on youtube.
I liked that youtube video.
I don't know much about Yukio Mishima. I have never read Mishima literature.
But I loved that video. I think I only understood about 5% of what I was saying.
And when I look at this deluxe version, I feel like I understand about 10%.
That 10% is about 200% of the "something" we have learned so far.

What did I learn in this movie?
"Superior sense of humor."
A polite spirit without imposition flies around the screen.

Mishima Yukio vs Tokyo University
