
Iwasaki Horumon

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Kumagaya's pork offal shop has moved to Setagaya. It’s my first time, having been pushed by an acquaintance to give it a go because it is quite good.
I tried going without reserving and it was easy. I was a bit tired and it was the first time so was quick.
There’s upper 'mino' (tripe), 'kashira' (cheek), and 'harami' (beef skirt). There seems to be both salt and sauce, but have it as recommended.
Seasoned cabbage is designed for one person. The upper ‘mino’ appears while I wait picking at this. Because it is cut thinly, sear the outside of the meat. Awfully fresh, it’s delicious. This goes well with beer too.
Harami only needs salt as the quality is so high.
Kashira goes with the sauce. The punchy tare sauce is tasty. I want to try it with other horumon soon.
Maybe I will try the tare with harami next time too. This poured over rice with kimchi looks pretty good.
It's nice just causally dropping into shops like this.

Iwasaki Horumon
Sakura Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 3-2-15 Inada Building 101
