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Fukuoka food is intense.
And in terms of recent Fukuoka yakitori, there’s ‘Kawayaki’. Chicken skin is grilled for days. Especially ‘Torikawa-suikyo’ which I queue up and wait for every time I go to Fukuoka, however I visited ‘Mikuma’ this time, a well-known and more traditional yakitori-ya.
‘Gomasaba’, raw saba (mackerel) dressed with sesame from a yakitori shop, is a Fukuoka speciality. The thing here is zarudofu from the Kawashima tofu shop from Karatsu, Saga prefecture. I’m well happy at this point.
Tonbara (pork belly) is the main dish even though it is called yakitori. Mixing up skewers with an entire chō (intestine), sausage, and grilled okra is fun. Along with more tonbara.
Fukuoka really is the best!
