
僕は映画が大好きだが、両親の影響で音楽も大好きだ。昔の音楽もよく聴くので楽しめた。たまたま僕の名前の曲が流れる。DURAN DURANのRIOだ。あんまり好きじゃないけど。14歳でタバコをばこばこ吸っていたけれど、体に悪そう。
I love music as much as movies under the influence of my parents. I enjoyed this movie because I love old music as well. ” RIO ” ( same as my name )by DURAN DURAN is played in the movie. It’s not my favorite song though. I was surprised to see the characters who are supposed to be 14 years old smoke cigarettes and it seems so unhealthy.
- Keywords:
- International